The Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation, formed in 1982, is a non-profit organization composed of men and women who are passionate about promoting hunting, fishing and conservation education among the youth of Arkansas.
The Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation is recognized in Arkansas as a leader in supporting acquisition of property for hunting and fishing opportunities, in creating and supporting conservation education as a partner with the Commission and others.
The Foundation is dedicated to providing creative opportunities to develop young Arkansans' interests in fishing and hunting, in informing and educating the public on a variety of issues important to the future of hunting, fishing, and wildlife conservation and in supporting other related programs in Arkansas.
The Foundation is viewed as a progressive, innovative, and leading organization that uses these traits to serve its contributors and its key publics.
To support the mission of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission;
To help assure the future of high quality hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities in Arkansas;
To develop, promote and participate in conservation education programs for educators, students and all other Arkansans; and
To acquire and provide financial support for properties and facilities for conservation education programs, wildlife habitat, and land for game and fish management programs through gifts, donations, bequests, and grants.